

福島 諭 / Satoshi Fukushima
IAMAS ( 岐阜県立情報科学芸術大学院大学 ) 修了。

また、即興演奏とコンピューターによる独自のセッションを試みるバンド Mimizのメンバー。
2008年より濱地潤一氏との室内楽シリーズの作曲を積極的に開始する。なかでも交換型共同作曲作品《変容の対象》は2009年元旦より開始され現在も進行中である。《変容の対象》2011年版の他にも、マリンバと室内アンサンブルのための《氷中フロレット》('12) 、4声の合唱曲《Eupatorium fortunei》(’15)などコンピュータを演奏時に使用しない作品も2012年より発表を行っている。
また、2017年よりディスプレイ上で表示されるRGBの色情報へ特定の処理と時間軸を与えて光を編み込む試み《twill the light》シリーズの制作と発表も開始した。

Mimiz:2006 ARS ELECTRONICA 2006 Digital Music Honorary Mention
福島諭:2006 第一回 AACサウンドパフォーマンス道場 優秀賞
福島諭:2011 第六回 JFC作曲賞 入選
濱地潤一+福島諭:2013 第十七回文化庁メディア芸術祭 アート部門 審査委員会推薦作品 選出
福島諭:2014 第十八回文化庁メディア芸術祭 アート部門 優秀賞
福島諭:2017 「坂本龍一|設置音楽コンテスト」佳作

Satoshi Fukushima
He was born in 1977. Japanese composer.
He graduated from Niigata University's Faculty of Education, where he was trained to teach special subjects (music).
He received his M.F.A. in Media Expression from the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS).

Since 2002, he has been creating compositions based on real-time computer processing and interactive relationships with performers.
He is also a member of the band Mimiz, which experiments with improvisation and computer-based sessions of its own.
In 2008, he began to actively compose chamber music series with Junichi Hamaji. Among them, "an object of metamorphose", an exchange-type collaborative composition, was started on New Year's Day 2009 and is still in progress.
Some of his previous compositions have been written by himself in his own score with detailed commentary and formatting. He continues to reflect on the description of time and how it is played.
The CD "Satoshi Fukushima: Chamber Music 2011-2015" was released on G.F.G.S. label in 2016.

He is a member of JSEM(Japanese Society for Electronic Music). Studied composition under Masahiro Miwa.

Some of the major awards he's been associated with are

Mimiz: 2006 ARS ELECTRONICA 2006 Digital Music Honorary Mention
Satoshi Fukushima: 2006 The First AAC Sound Performance Dojo Award for Excellence
Satoshi Fukushima: The 6th JFC Composition Award 2011, Honorable Mention
Junichi Hamaji + Satoshi Fukushima: The 17th Japan Media Arts Festival 2013, Art Division, Jury Recommended Work
Satoshi Fukushima: 2014 Japan Media Arts Festival, Excellence Award, Art Division
Satoshi Fukushima: Honorable mention in the 2017 Ryuichi Sakamoto Installation Music Contest

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